What is AcreLeads.com?

AcreLeads.com is an online marketplace for purchasing real estate leads for off-market land properties. We provide exclusive information gathered from property owners who have indicated a potential willingness to sell. Our leads cater to real estate agents, realtors, and investors who are looking for land opportunities that may not be available on for sale on the market.

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What type of information is included in a Lead?

Each lead contains detailed information about the property, including:

  • Acreage and zoning details
  • Owner contact information
  • Desired price
  • Estimated Market Values
  • Property improvements
  • Reason for selling
  • Why the owner originally purchased the property
  • Whether the owner is willing to sell below market value

Are the property leads on AcreLeads.com currently for sale?

The properties featured in our leads are not listed on the market. These are off-market opportunities where owners have expressed a potential interest in selling. These are warm off-market leads that were not for sale at the time the owners were contacted by third party real estate investment groups.

What types of properties are available through AcreLeads.com

We offer a variety of land types, including:

  • Residential land
  • Agricultural land
  • Commercial land
  • Industrial Land
  • Timber Land

You can filter leads by property acreage, zoning, and other criteria to find the land that suits your needs.

How do I purchase a Lead?

To purchase a lead, create a free account or login to your existing account and simply browse the available listings on our website, add the desired leads to your cart, and complete the checkout process. Once your payment is processed, you’ll receive a downloadable PDF file containing all the details for the selected lead.

How do I contact AcreLeads.com for support?

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our support team at info@acreleads.com. We’re here to help with any inquiries about the leads, our services, or your purchases. Or you can submit our contact form here

Can I search for Leads based on specific criteria?

Yes, you can filter leads by county, acreage, zoning, and other details. This allows you to find properties that match your specific investment or acquisition goals.

On the Leads Page, simply select the filters that match what you are looking for.

How often are leads updated

The information in our leads is gathered by investors and is subject to change over time. We strive to provide the most accurate and up-to-date details. 

Is my personal information safe when purchasing leads?

Yes, AcreLeads.com is committed to protecting your privacy. We use secure payment processing and do not share your personal information with third parties. For more details, please review our Privacy Policy.